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Friday, August 22, 2008

Dalits: A history of sorrow and discrimination in India

Posted on July 30, 2008 by Moin Ansari

I Introduction

The history of the Dalits in India, of course, began around 1500 BC (3500 years ago) when finally the already settled people, the people of the Indus cities were defeated and forced by newcomers, people known as Aryans, to loose all their privileges and become dasa (slaves) of the conquerers. They are the very dasa, who taday have decided to address themselves as Dalits, have reached to their present state, according to Bishop Pickett “by centuries of exploitation and servility”. Known for their hard-working body, intelligent mind and sagacious heart, it is believed that the Dalits had a rich cultural tradition. Historians agree that they were among the original inhabitants of the Indian subcontinent, and founders of the Indus Valley Civilization, which was rich and sophisticated. Later they came to be economically and politically poor not only by one but by many successive invaders.

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